Book Reviews

The Smart Money Woman By Arese Ugwu

Smart Money WomanI am really not a fan of self help books, you know the kind that claims to teach you on certain aspects about life such as how to love better, how to manage your finances etc. I find them boring, unrelatable, with most not having any practical ideas .

When I picked out this book ,I must admit I had a subconscious bias against it mainly because I had not heard of the author neither had I read any of her previous work.



The book is centered on a girl named Zuri, who is living a fabulous life with almost everything going well for her; a well paying job , a good car and a lavish apartment. After a few months everything begins to go haywire as her car breaks down, she is living in an apartment she can’t afford and is about to loose her job.

The  author gives the reader insights on how  any lady can  get into a financial mess . Arese goes the extra step of giving practical strategies on how anyone can implement actions to pay off debts and stay debt free.

The story of the protagonist Zuri, is relatable as many single women get obsessed with turning up at the most expensive weddings/ parties to have their pictures in tabloids/ celebrity magazines and blogs but are neck-deep in debt and hoping for their Knight in shining armor to rescue them.

The author understands the financial struggles of the average millennial and offers some pretty good advice. I would highly recommend this book as it is short and easy to read with great take home advice.




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